Dear Friends,
The Celts called them "Thin Places" - the experience of acute awareness of the presence of God, a fleeting moment when heaven and earth converge. I encourage you to be open to and aware of these momentary thin places that are part of our walk of faith.
Life is neither easy nor simple. Yet we do not have to despair. Instead, we should be empowered by the truth that there is a God who loves us. We should be encouraged to rest in His love, to seek it out, to worship its giver, and to hold fast to its promises during times of sorrow.
I invite you to join me on my own search for peace, hope, and meaning in the midst of loss and pain. Celebrate with me in the struggle and ultimate triumph of faith founded in Jesus Christ, the beauty and diversity of creation, and the hope to be had in this life and the next through saving grace.
"A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish" (Isa. 42:3 NASB)
God is good and God loves us,
Margaret Harrell Wills, EdD |